Frequently asked questions
Please read some FAQs in regards to appointments.
Our practice is currently accepting new patients with a comprehensive examination process. We are not accepting new patients as emergency only basis at this time so that we may better serve our existing patients.
Please expect to be at our practice for 90 minutes for your complete examination with Dr. Lefty. We need to gather information about your facial structure and teeth, any conditions present, gum health measurements, imaging, and muscle examination.
We are a comprehensive dental practice, we treat the whole patient and require a complete examination by Dr. Lefty in order to determine the health and any diseases that may be present in your mouth.
We require current x-rays in order to best treat you, any x-rays that are forwarded must be diagnostic quality. We also practice the ALARA principle in our practice regarding radiation, As Low As Reasonably Achievable. We utilize digital x-rays in the office, which further reduces radiation exposure.